SubNow Ultimate playing time app

Frequently asked questions

Function & Logic

1. Create your team. (Commence a SubNow Pro subscription free trial if your team has more than 6 players)

2. Add your players. Photos and notes can be included.

3. Drag and drop players into their starting status and rotation sequence for the game.

On Field – Rotating

On Field – Not Rotating

On Bench

Not Playing

4. Click NEXT

5. Click GAME FORMAT and set the Total Game Time and Breaks

6. Click ROTATION SETTINGS to set your rotation period and number of subs per rotation or simply use the default Equal Time Rotation Plan.

7. Click NEXT

8. Review full rotation plan and click BACK to edit if necessary.

9. Press “Play” button when game commences

10. Rotate players as per rotation plan when the SubNow alert sounds

11. Tick off the rotations that have been completed as you follow the plan

12. If an unplanned event occurs that affects the number of subs or the players on the field then click EDIT to toggle to the Full Team View and make the changes.

13. Click EDIT to return to the Rotation Plan View where the rotation plan will have been automatically updated to cater for the unplanned change.

14. Remember to press play again to restart SubNow after each break. (Use fast forward to catch up time if you are late in pressing play)

By default SubNow calculates an Equal Time Rotation Plan that gives all players equal game time. When the “Minimum Rotations” option is switched ON the number of times each player rotates is minimised while retaining equal game time. The Equal Time Rotation Plan requires all subs to rotate at each rotation. The default Equal Time Rotation Plan is not always practical and it can therefore be replaced with a Customised Rotation Plan by manually setting the time between rotations and the number of subs per rotation.
Any player who has been marked as “Not Playing” can be added to the rotation after the game has commenced by clicking EDIT to open the Full Team View, clicking on the player and setting their status to “On Bench”. The rotation period will not change but the number of subs will have increased and the rotations will now include the additional player. The other option is to Exit the game in SubNow. Add the late player to the bench, restart the game in SubNow and then fast forward the game clock to catch up to the real game time.
Yes. The SubNow game clock continues when SubNow is not the active app.
Repace the Equal Time Rotation Plan with a Customised Rotation Plan by clicking on the ROTATION SETTINGS screen and editing the SUBS PER ROTATION and TIME BETWEEN ROTATIONS to your preference. How do I change the rotation order? Prior to starting the game drag and drop players up and down on the PLAYERS screen to set the order of rotation and who is starting on the bench and in goal (if applicable). A counter shows how many people are in each status so you can check the correct number of players are on-the field.
Tap on the EDIT button to open the Full Team View, select the injured player and move them out of the game by clicking the X status. You will then be asked which player on the bench will be replacing the injured player on the field. Click EDIT to return to the Rotation Plan View. SubNow will have updated the rotation plan for the remaining rotations to exclude the injured player.
On the Players Screen place your goal keeper in the Not Rotating area (glove icon) to have then on the field but excluded them from the rotation plan. To change goal keeper during the game click on the EDIT button to open the Full Team View, click on the player who is the new goal keeper, change their status to ‘Goal Keeper’ (glove icon). You will be asked to pick the player to sub with and the current goal keepers name will appear. Click on their name and the swap will be made. If put On Field then the ex-goalkeeper will be sequenced as having just been rotated onto the field. If put On Bench then the ex-goalkeeper will be sequenced as having just rotated off the field.
If your goal keeper is included in the player rotation plan then DO NOT set a goal keeper for your game. Do not give any player the “Gloves” status. This often occurs in social Futsal when goal keepers can be easily changed at any time during the game.
Yes. Team players and the previous game settings are saved on your device and will be loaded when you select that team. The player line-up and status from the end of the previous game is saved. This ensures that by default, players take turns at being on the bench at the start of each game.
One minute prior to the next rotation an audible beep and ‘Prepare Subs’ warning will sound. This gives time to ensure players are ready on the sideline and know who they will be replacing.
Notes and a photo can be stored against each player and viewed on the game screen by clicking on the player. Information could include player surname, parent names, contact details, preferred playing position, jersey number etc.
The ‘next rotation’ pairs shown on the game screen can be changed by dragging and dropping the Next On player up or down by holding the move icon (three lines) to the right of their name. Clicking on the player displays notes that can be used to determine appropriate rotation pairing. (e.g. replace defender with defender)

Pricing & Purchase

SubNow is a savvy iPhone App to allow easy management of player rotations in junior or social team sports where fair sharing of game time is desired.

Yes there is a free Android version of SubNow available on Google Play but it is original release version. Our development effort is currently focused on continually improving the iPhone version which has a paid subscription option. These FAQs all refer to the iPhone version.

SubNow is free for one team of up to 6 players which suits 4v4 small sided football. For larger or multiple teams an annual $19.90 subscription is required via an In-App purchase. This provides ___ and I funds and motivation to continue improving SubNow. Without  the support of subscribers SubNow cannot continue. It also prevents us having to use annoying advertising to cover our development costs.

The free version of SubNow allows 1 team of up to 6 players and includes a Demo Team with 15 players to allow you to explore how SubNow would work for your typical player numbers and game settings. A SubNow Pro subscription comes with a 14 day free trial period.. To unsubscribe during the trial period (and any other time) goto the YOUR TEAMS screen and press on the settings icon the top left corner. Then click the Manage Subscription button which will open SubNow in the App Store and allow you to click Unsubscribe.
Install free version of SubNow from the App Store. To retrieve your subscription goto the YOUR TEAMS screen and press on the 3 line icon in the top left corner. Click on Restore Subscription. Note that the team information is stored locally on your phone and will therefore need to be reentered.
Yes. Click the ‘+’ button on the ‘YOUR TEAMS’ screen to create a new team. Note this feature requires a SubNow Pro subscription.

Coaches and parents love using SubNow to manage player rotations

All around the world coaches and clubs use SubNow to manage fair playing time. Here’s what the say:

Well Worth it!!!!
United States
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Stumbled upon this app after feeling defeated coaching my first game of soccer ever - who would have known how difficult it would be to try to substitute kids in and out of the game?!? And here I thought I’d be coaching fundamentals of soccer this season not trying to heard sheep lol!
Awesome app
North Macedonia
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I installed it for my kid. He is playing football so I found this app very useful. It is easy to work with, I like the functionalities and productivities. It also has a option for creating several teams so you can organize your game. I recommend it.
Almost Perfect
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The app is great and makes it so easy to manage rotations
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Absolutely love this app!! Makes game day super easy and I’m so grateful this has been made it will help so many coaches LOVE IT !
Well Worth it!!!!
United States
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Stumbled upon this app after feeling defeated coaching my first game of soccer ever - who would have known how difficult it would be to try to substitute kids in and out of the game?!? And here I thought I’d be coaching fundamentals of soccer this season not trying to heard sheep lol!
Awesome app
North Macedonia
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I installed it for my kid. He is playing football so I found this app very useful. It is easy to work with, I like the functionalities and productivities. It also has a option for creating several teams so you can organize your game. I recommend it.
Almost Perfect
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The app is great and makes it so easy to manage rotations
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Absolutely love this app!! Makes game day super easy and I’m so grateful this has been made it will help so many coaches LOVE IT !
Great product
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Have tried numerous apps, but all weren’t up to the task. Until I found SubNow. Works great and accurate, ensures all the kids get a good and fair go. No arguing with the kids cause the app said so, lol.
Great coaching tool
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This app helps to take the pressure off me as a coach & focus more on the game. Great simple app that does the job!
Making coaching easy
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This is a great app. I'm always trying to make sure junior players get equal time on the field but sometimes game time gets away from me. This app is a very helpful reminder to complete substitutes on time. Thank you.
Great App
United States
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This app is awesome and allows you to throw away the spreadsheet that you spent 4 hours developing to make sure kids get even playing time!
Great product
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Have tried numerous apps, but all weren’t up to the task. Until I found SubNow. Works great and accurate, ensures all the kids get a good and fair go. No arguing with the kids cause the app said so, lol.
Great coaching tool
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This app helps to take the pressure off me as a coach & focus more on the game. Great simple app that does the job!
Making coaching easy
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This is a great app. I'm always trying to make sure junior players get equal time on the field but sometimes game time gets away from me. This app is a very helpful reminder to complete substitutes on time. Thank you.
Great App
United States
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This app is awesome and allows you to throw away the spreadsheet that you spent 4 hours developing to make sure kids get even playing time!
Become a beta tester to get first access to SubNow 4.0
and have input into the design

*Release date TBA. All beta testers receive free licences and access to all SubNow 4.0 features. 

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